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General terms and conditions
General provisions
The General Terms and Conditions apply to online shop purchases www.musclezz.com and its subpages.
Predávajúcim a prevádzkovateľom internetovej stránky – obchodu je TIX MASTER, s.r.o, Fialová 2/C, 851 07 Bratislava, zapísaná v OR okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka 128751/B, IČO: 51724146, DIČ: 2120771158, IČ DPH: SK2120771158.
All contractual relations between the seller and the buyer are concluded in accordance with the law of the Slovak Republic. If the contracting party is a consumer, the legal relations not governed by the lukashavlik.com Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code, as amended, by Act no. 250/2007 Coll. Consumer Protection Act, as amended, and Act No. 102/2014 Z.z. on Consumer Protection in Doorstep Selling and Mail Order Sales, as amended. If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, the legal relations not governed by the lukashavlik.com Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Act No. 513/1991 Coll. Commercial Code, as amended.
The legal relations of the seller and the consumer not expressly regulated by these conditions are governed by the relevant provisions of Act no. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, Act No. 250/2007 Coll. from. Consumer Protection Act, Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on the protection of consumers in the sale of goods or provision of services under a distance or off-premises contract of the seller, as well as related regulations, all as amended.
Definition of terms
Consumer contract - a contract of sale where the contracting parties are, on the one hand, the supplier and, on the other hand, the consumer who has not been able to individually influence the content of the supplier's pre-prepared contract proposal.
Seller (supplier) - a person who, in concluding and performing a consumer contract, acts within the scope of his commercial or other business activity. It is an entrepreneur who offers or sells products or services to a consumer and also an entrepreneur who, directly or through other entrepreneurs, supplies a product to the buyer.
Consumer (Buyer) - a natural or legal person who purchases products or uses services for his personal use or for members of his household and who, when concluding and performing a consumer contract, does not act within the scope of his commercial or other business activity.
A buyer who is not a consumer - is a person who, in concluding and performing the contract of sale, acts within the scope of his business or other business activity.
Business terms - the contractual provisions agreed between the seller and the buyer in this document. The Buyer at the moment of sending his order confirms that he agrees with these terms and conditions valid at the time of sending his order and is bound by them from the moment of conclusion of the purchase contract. By submitting his order, the buyer confirms that he has become acquainted with these terms and conditions and agrees to the terms and conditions without reservation.
Method of concluding the purchase contract
The Purchase Agreement is concluded by a binding acceptance of the Buyer's Purchase Agreement by the Seller in the form of an Buyer's e-mail message sent to the Seller and / or in the form of a completed and sent form on the Seller's website and / or in the form of a Buyer's telephone order..„).
A binding acceptance of the Buyer's order by the Seller is a telephone or e-mail confirmation by the Seller to the Buyer of acceptance of the Order after the Buyer's prior acceptance of the Order and after verifying the availability and delivery date of the goods requested by the Buyer. An automated notification of receipt of an order into the electronic system of the seller is not considered binding acceptance of the order.
Binding acceptance of the order contains information on the name and specification of the goods, the sale of which is the subject of the purchase contract, information on the price of goods and / or other services, name and details of the buyer, respectively. the address where the goods are to be delivered and price information, the method of transporting the goods to the agreed place of delivery for the buyer, or other information.
Obligations of the seller
The Seller undertakes to deliver:
1. Type and quantity of goods at the purchase price and terms of payment applicable on the day of dispatch of the order, except for obvious errors and in the event of a significant change in the price of the goods.
2. Goods which are suitably packaged to prevent damage during transport.
We are not responsible for:
1. Late delivery of goods caused by post or courier company
2. Delayed delivery of the goods due to the incorrect address of the consignee.
3. Any non-delivery of goods caused by the manufacturer (supplier) as a result of any restriction or cancellation of distribution rights or other unforeseeable obstacles.
4. Selection of goods by the buyer. If after receipt of the shipment the buyer finds that the goods do not correspond to his ideas. Such goods cannot be considered as justified claims.
Obligations of the buyer
The Buyer undertakes:
1. Take over the ordered goods, check the integrity of the packaging and notify us immediately in case of any defects.
2. Pay the purchase price for the goods in the amount and according to the payment conditions valid on the day of sending the order.
Retraction from contract
The consumer is entitled to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason in accordance with § 7 of Act no. 102/2014 Z.z. on the consignee for distance selling on 14 days from receipt of the goods. Within the same order, the goods were delivered, the withdrawal period runs from the moment of withdrawal of the last goods delivered.
In accordance with § 7 par. 6 of Act no. 102/2014 Z.z. the customer cannot withdraw from the contract, which is:
- the sale of goods which are subject to rapid deterioration or perishability
- the sale of goods encased in protective packaging which it is not appropriate to return for health or hygiene reasons and whose protective packaging has been damaged after delivery
The consumer is obliged to exercise the right of withdrawal in writing or by e-mail. The withdrawal period shall be deemed to be maintained if the withdrawal notice was sent no later than the last day of the period.
The consumer is obliged to send the goods back to the following address within 14 days from the date of withdrawal:
Tix master s.r.o.
Fialová 2/C
85107 Bratislava
It is recommended to send the goods as a parcel by registered mail, it is not advisable to send goods by cash on delivery. The consumer shall attach to the package a copy of the tax document (invoice) delivered to him together with the goods and a copy of the delivery note issued by the delivery person. The deadline for returning the goods shall be deemed to be maintained if the goods were handed over for carriage no later than the last day of the deadline. The cost of returning the goods shall be borne by the consumer.
The seller undertakes to return the purchase price to the account specified by the consumer within 14 days at the latest. Upon withdrawal from the contract, the cost of delivering the goods will also be refunded to the extent of the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the seller (regular postage for delivery by Slovak Post). In the event of unauthorized withdrawal, the goods will be returned at the consumer's expense.
Guarantee and claim
The seller provides a 24-month warranty on the goods. The warranty starts from the receipt of the item by the buyer. The Buyer acknowledges that it is obliged to inspect the goods immediately upon receipt. In the event that the goods on receipt by the buyer does not correspond to the purchase contract, the buyer is obliged to immediately inform the seller. In case of:
- this is a removable error, the buyer has the right to be free, timely and properly removed without undue delay respectively. the right to exchange things. The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller is entitled to replace the defective goods for defective goods instead of eliminating the defect, unless this causes the Buyer serious difficulties
- it is an irremovable error that prevents the goods from being properly used, the buyer has the right to exchange goods or the right to withdraw from the contract
- it is an irremovable error that does not prevent the goods from being properly used, the buyer has the right to a reasonable price discount
- it is a removable error, but the buyer cannot properly use the thing due to a recurring error after repair or for a large number of errors, the buyer has the right to exchange goods or the right to withdraw from the contract
The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller is not liable for defects in the goods caused in the causal connection with the Buyer's actions or omissions.
The buyer is obliged to prove the conclusion of the purchase contract with the seller proof of purchase when making a claim under the statutory guarantee. The Seller undertakes to settle the justified claim under these Terms and Conditions immediately, no later than 30 calendar days from the date of the claim.
If the consumer considers that his rights have been violated or is not satisfied with the way in which the seller has settled his claim, he has the right to contact the seller for remedy by email to tixmastersk@gmail.com If the seller responds negatively to the consumer's request or fails to respond to it within 30 days of the date of dispatch, the consumer shall, pursuant to the amended Act no. 102/2014 and Act no. 391/2015 the right to an alternative (extrajudicial) method of dispute resolution. The consumer may submit a petition in a manner determined pursuant to Section 12 of Act No. 391/2015 Coll. It may make use of a form, a specimen of which is also available on the website of the competent ministry and of any ADR entity.
Payment options
At www.lukashavlik.com the buyer can pay the purchase price as follows:
Cash on delivery - the most widely used and easiest way to pay when selling via e-shop. You will pay for the goods either in cash or by credit card only when the goods are delivered to the postman, courier or post office.
Card payment - payment is processed by PayPal payment gateway, This is a direct card payment without the need to sign in. To make a card payment without logging in, skip the login step and choose a card payment (look for the logo: MasterCard, Visa). Payment is made via HTTPS security protocol, security is guaranteed by PayPal /more information/.
PayPal payment - payment is processed through direct communication with PayPal. For PayPal payment, log in with your PayPal account. Payment is made via HTTPS security protocol, security is guaranteed by PayPal /more information/.
Terms of Delivery
The delivery period starts on the day of acceptance of the binding order, which contains all necessary data for its processing. The order is accepted and dispatched within 2 working days. In the event that the ordered goods are not in stock, the Seller undertakes to notify the Buyer without delay and agree with him on the next procedure. E-shop www.musclezz.com delivers its products through:
- Slovak post - is governed by the valid conditions of the Slovak Post - the delivery time of the shipment is the 2nd working day after the shipment. For the "Package to" service, you will be notified of this event via a notice (SMS, email or physical notification of the shipment). If you do not take delivery, it will be stored in the post office for 18 days.
- Courier Delivery depends on what coutry is ordered sended. The customer who chooses this type of shipping should stay at the address specified in the order at the time of delivery (this is the most appropriate shipping method if you wish to deliver a shipment to work). If you do not reach the courier at the delivery address, he will contact you by phone and agree on further steps.